On September 27th, 1990, sometime in the afternoon while I was driving to Dallas, GOD gave me a PROMISE. The PROMISE that HE gave me was a physical sign of HIS WORD. I feel that I am to share it with as many people so that those who see it will be reminded that HIS WORD is true.
Somewhere just north of West, Texas, I looked out the driver's window and saw this cloud that was shaped like WINGS. I immediately recognized it as GOD'S PROMISE to me concerning my life and the situations taking place around me. The interesting thing about it was that as I continued on to Dallas it not only retained it\'s shape but it got larger and moved above me. It was on my far right as I arrived in Dallas, only much larger than when I had first seen it.
Since I had my camera with me, I took the picture you now see before you.
View it as a token of GOD'S LOVE for you.
At this time I do not have plans to sell this picture. If you have an interest in this picture, please let me know and I will let you know when I decide to publish it. There is a choice of two scriptures:
- Psalms 63:7 "Because you are my help, I sing in the SHADOW OF YOUR WINGS"
- Malachi 4:2 "But for you who revere my name, the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS will rise with HEALING in its wings".
I am making the 8x10 print available for $10.00 US, in 11x14 mat for $15.00 US. There is also an 11x14 print for $15.00 US in a 16x20 mat for $20.00.